Fuck, I've been really slacking off lately. I was supposed to have this review done last week, but I was too into Game of Thrones and too lazy to motivate myself into doing it. I was also supposed to have a video out last week, but I was damn lazy for that too. Well, enough slacking, time to get back on schedule, if I can. But I make no promises.
At Berk, the Vikings are setting up for the annual Thawfest competition. Hiccup explains to us in a narration that Thawfest is when Vikings compete against one another in a variety of games to test each other's strength, like axe-throwing, sheep carrying etc. And Hiccup, being the weak runt of the litter, has lost every single Thawfest he's competed in. And it's not so much that he loses, as who he constantly loses to. Snotlout of course. That can't be easy on the poor guy, since his father being disappointed wasn't enough already.
However this year, Hiccup actually might have a chance to win. Since the Dragons have now become part of the Viking way of life, what's to stop them from becoming part of their version of the Olympics?
So Gobber explains to the teens that Thawfest will now include three more new events. As he explains, in comes Snotlout with a chest full of metals and rubbing it in Hiccup's face that he'll lose. He honestly didn't need the metals, those was just for good measure.
There a metal in there for "Douchebag of the Year"? |
Snotlout continues his mental smear campaign on Hiccup saying his clan, The Yergensons, have never lost a single Thawfest competition in their recorded history. I wander if they ever get bored of winning, or if everybody is just so sick of them winning constantly that they feel like telling them to eat shit and get the fuck out! But I guess some people never get tired of being pompous shitheads, Snotlout being the epitome of that. He gives one last remark to Hiccup, that he'll do what he does every year. Bring glory to his clan, and Hiccup will embarrass his. Ironic that the last three letters of "embarrass" accurately describe him.
Hiccup is at his house, prepping Toothless for the Thawfest games. Stoick comes in and asks what Hiccup's up to. He doesn't hide the fact he's very expectant of Hiccup. Hiccup gets the gist and says he's going to crush Snotlout in the games. Stoick is glad that Hiccup may finally have a chance to win now that Dragons are involved. So everybody basically loses sight of what the games are really about because all they're thinking of is dethroning the high and mighty dickhead Yergenson's. But I can't blame them really, it's about time somebody gave them some much needed comeuppance.
The next day the Thawfest games are on. The first event is sheep-lugging, where the teens have to carry sheep to a finish line. Snotlout of course wins, leaving Hiccup in second place. I would think Astrid would have a higher place but apparently not. Snotlout rubs it in Hiccup's face, just as expected. You'll get yours, asshole.
The next event is log rolling. The teens have to run on a log until there's only one left running. Once again and as expected, Snotlout wins with hiccup in second place. Toothless helps Hiccup out of a pile of rocks.
Don't worry, we'll shit all over him later |
The third event is axe-throwing. This one is all about accuracy, hitting the target dead centre. Snotlout, of course, wins once again. You'd think Astrid would have a good shot at this one, but Fishlegs fucks up and fucks her throw up in the process. As a matter of fact, Astrid would have lasted longer on the log if Fishlegs didn't fuck up there as well. Hiccup again comes in second place. Snotlout shows off by throwing axes backwards. How much more pompous could ya get?
Snotlout's dad Spitelout (fitting name), mocks Stoick over Snotlout's victory. But Stoick just says, "Take a seat Spitelout". That shuts him up right quick. The Yergenson's may have won on the battlefield, but they haven't won on the verbal battleground. Gobber tells Stoick that he shouldn't let Spitelout get to him. Stoick says those Yergenson bastards have been getting to him for years. I cannot argue with this assessment.
Hiccup tells Snotlout that he may have won so far, but once the dragon events come his foot will be so far up Snotlout's ass he'll be wearing shoes of dry shit. Snotlout, in his prideful obnoxious arrogance, dismisses Hiccup's threat and continues on about how awesome he is and how him and Hookfang will kick Hiccup's ass even in the dragon events. Hiccup tries to come up with a witty comeback to Snotlout's SnotFang.
Tommorow you'll have to deal with..... HicTooth!! Good god! It's finally happened! |
Astrid is shocked at how Hiccup's talent for witty comeback's has been sucked out of him by the vile, evil corruption only known as, Snotlout. She also wanders why he's getting all obsessed over kicking Snotlout's ass. Hiccup says that if he can beat Snotlout, he'll get the much deserved comeuppance he needs and maybe he'll finally shut the fuck up. After some more words from Snotlout's mouth, Astrid just says that's a very fair point. And she also agrees with me that it's about time someone dethrones those........... things. I'm not going to call them what I've been calling them this whole review because it's starting to get repetitive. But I honestly don't know what to call them other than............ things. Good god, it's finally happened!
It's a new day, and the dragon events are under way. The first event involves the contestants diving underneath horizontal posts, and the teens can't touch the posts. The other teens fail as expected. Even Snotlout doesn't manage to win this one. Hiccup passes with flying carpets. He earns his first Thawfest point, ever. He takes this quite well. He revels in the rush of finally rubbing his shit of victory in Snotlout's face.
Mmm, smell that? Smells like Victory! |
Fishleg's and Astrid find this disturbing, this isn't the Hiccup they know. They don't like this at all. What's wrong with you two!! I'd be telling Hiccup what a fine job he has done pulling the rug from under Snotlout's feet! And I'd tell him to push harder until the Yergenson's are dethroned and shamed like the worthless worms they are!!
The next event involves the Contestants free styling. Coming up with their own unique tricks. The other teens do about as well as expected. Although Astrid manages to put on a good performance this time. Hiccup of course has the best trick. Snotlout attempts an admittedly.... NO!! I will not admit it! His trick sucks!
Well no matter, because he fails horribly at his trick anyway. Another point goes to Hiccup, and Snotlout's dad looks very disappointed. This pleases me. Hiccup continues to rattle Snotlout's cage about how's he's finally starting to lose. He also points out that Snotlout's dad is not looking very happy. Snotlout assures Hiccup that he'll still win. Hiccup tells him to look at the score board, it's all the evidence he needs to prove that he's an event away from getting his sweet comeuppance. Snotlout storms out. Astrid is disgusted by Hiccup's sudden attitude. What do you know Astrid! Even you said that it's about time someone beats a Yergenson! And besides, this is Snotlout we're talking about here. Anything to beat him is justified, even cheating.
The next event is the shooting gallery. Where the contestants must shoot enemy wooden Vikings, but must spare friendlies. Hiccup once again passes with flying carpets. Snotlout gives a shot, but he insults Hookfang, who then proceeds to indiscriminately destroy all the targets, friends and foes alike. Hiccup gets another point, making it the first tie in Thawfest history. You really have to wander how no one gets bored of this event yet. Well they finally have a reason not to now, thanks to Hiccup. Who then continues to verbally stick it to a more bitter Snotlout. Karma's a bitch Snotlout.
Oh yes! Drown me in the sweet water of your envy! |
Astrid however is not impressed. She always liked Hiccup because he was a gracious loser, but he's turning out to be a lousy winner. Impossible I say! Anyone who can beat a Yergenson is a damn fine winner in my books! Even Hiccup agrees with this assessment. He tries even harder than ever to make Toothless into an unstoppable weapon of victory.
Except even Toothless looks like he's fed up with this new, prideful Hiccup. Oh god, if Toothless ain't having any of this, then something is obviously very wrong! I admit, Hiccup is turning into a skinny version of Snotlout! But, who am I supposed to root for? Toothless and Astrid? They'd let the Yergenson's have the victory for the billionth time and let them continue their campaign of obnoxious arrogance. Hiccup? He'd finally dethrone the Yergenson's and make his father proud, but he'd probably become another prideful, boastful asshole like the Yergenson's. Snotlout? Well, Snotlout is Snotlout. And his family would keep their winning streak, and continue to be boastful assmonkey's.
Not since the Battle of Blackwater in Game Of Thrones have I been so Conflicted. Hiccup is the Stannis Baratheon to Snotlout's Tyrion Lannister. Or should it be the other way around?
It kinda works. |
Not even close, not even a shred. |
I've decided that this comparison wouldn't work either way. At least in Snotlout's case. But it at least gave me an excuse to mention Game of Thrones. Fuck, I should just propose already and be done with it.
But I suppose it'll have to wait. As I've still got this episode of Riders of Berk to review.
So Stoick meets Hiccup in the arena for the final event. Stoick wants Hiccup to know that there's no pressure. Spitelout then asks Snotlout if he's ever heard the story about how Spitelout almost lost the Thawfest. Snotlout of course never heard of it, because it never happened. Spitelout is eager to remind him of that, and that no Yergenson has ever lost Thawfest. So Snotlout better damn well not be the first. Spitelout's a real dick, I can see where Snotlout gets it from. Hiccup looks a little conflicted about how to feel, as I do.
So the final event involves avoiding logs and climbing up a mountain to the dragons. Then they'll race across the sea past posts and cross the finish line. A clever fusion of the physical and dragon aspects of the games. Hiccup attempts to be a good sport and wish Snotlout well on the race. But Snotlout is still Snotlout. He really doesn't make being a good sport easy.
So the race is on to decide the champion of Thawfest. Snotlout of course performs much better in the physical part and reaches his dragon first. Hiccup manages to catch up to Toothless and off they go. At first Snotlout is in the lead, and mocking Hiccup every step of the way. Big mistake Snotlout.
Hiccup puts Toothless' new tail to good use. With a sudden burst of speed, he catches up to Snotlout. As Hiccup passes Snotlout......
What have I become? |
Hiccup has a change of heart, and instead of grabbing the victory that's within his grasp, he purposefully crashes. Snotlout crosses the finish line and wins the Thawfest games. Spitelout cheers his son on (and I die a little inside. Not in the good way if that's what you're thinking.) Hiccup congratulates Snotlout, who replies that Hiccup put up a good fight, just not good enough. Oh Hiccup, why did you let him win?
Because winning isn't what it's all about. A sentiment Astrid is proud that Hiccup agrees on. Snotlout continues to get his glory, allowing his family to keep up their prideful arrogance. But hey, they only make themselves look like asses and make everyone else look good.
Well, that concludes my Riders review of the day. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make my wedding gift.
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Game of Thrones, here I come. |
After the last episode, this episode was a big improvement. It's interesting to see that the Vikings have their own little version of the Olympics and that it seems to be an annual event for them. The events themselves do kinda seem too small for an annual event though but that's just me.
And we also get to see another side of Hiccup. Snotlout has quite a way of getting under his skin, and when Hiccup finally comes close to beating him he basically becomes a smaller version of Snotlout. That's what happens when you completely lose sight of what the games are actually about. It was great seeing a more prideful and boastful Hiccup, and it's completely understandable why he would be so boastful.
Snotlout of course is still Snotlout. But we also get to see why he's the way he is. His dad is an even bigger dick than he is. A great little bit of character development for Snotlout.
This episode wasn't anything special and not up there with the greats. But it is a nice character episode that gives us a look into the culture of the Berkian Vikings.