Sunday 1 June 2014

Dragons Defenders Of Berk Reviews: Episode 20 - Cast Out Part 2

We left off the last episode with Dagur and Savage taking Stoick hostage and Hiccup swearing to get him back, oh and the Screaming Death is coming for everyone's asses! It's the final episode of the season, so let's wrap this up.

The episode begins on Outcast Island, Dagur asks his special guest of honour if his accommodations are adequate. Stoick simply tells Dagur to go fuck himself with his facial expressions. Dagur takes note that the rope tied around him looks awfully tight, an Outcast takes that as an order to tighten his restraints even more. Dagur tells Stoick to sit back and relax. By the end of the day he'll either be back on Berk, or he'll mutilated fish feed. It all depends on Hiccup, Dagur gives Savage his ultimatum to deliver to Berk. 

The situation is not too well on Berk, the entire village is gathered in the Great Hall and are most likely yelling at Gobber about Stoick and what they're going to do. The Twins are not helping the situation by egging the villagers on, and only because they think an angry mob is awesome. Gobber pushes his way through and tells the crowd that Hiccup will answer their questions. As soon as Hiccup takes questions, the villagers want to take arms, man the catapults, and sail to Outcast Island to rescue Stoick. Hiccup can't keep them calm and under control. 

Snotlout thinks he's got what it takes to be a chief more than Hiccup does and pushes him aside. He gets Hookfang to light up, a spectacle for the crowd. But As Snotlout is about to give his grandiose speech, Tuffnut tell him he's on fire. Snotlout takes that as a compliment. He then notices he's on fire. 

Snotlout, let the men do the talking from now on.

With Snotlout's extremely brief takeover a complete and utter failure, Hiccup is back in the spotlight but still does't know what to say. Astrid tells him the to tell the crowd that they have nothing to worry about and he's got shit under control. Hiccup tells them exactly that, but they ain't buying that bullshit for on god damned minute. Astrid admits her idea worked much better on paper than it did in practice. 

Elsewhere, Fishlegs and Meatlug are scouting in the middle of the ocean. He looks around, but he finds no sign of any Berserker ships, he decides to head back and inform Hiccup. He finds something else however. Th Screaming Death plows it's way though a few Island rocks and appears to be calling for something, or maybe it's shouting out obscenities. Fishlegs hauls ass back to Berk. 

Hiccup is in the house, he finds the old axe from the movie and tries to life it. Gobber walks in and has a conversation with Hiccup about chiefing. He tries to make Hiccup feel better by saying that it sure as hell ain't easy, and that Stoick was a lost child when his day came. Hiccup can hardly believe it, but Gobber assures him that hardly anyone in town had it in him, Alvin for one. And we learn that Alvin and Stoick used to be best friend's. Hiccup wants to know what changed between, everything, Gobber simply says. But before they can explore this deeper . . . 

Hiccup!! We have a problem!!

Fishlegs reports the Screaming Death's last known position, Hiccup immediately rakes action and asks Fishlegs how much time they've got. Fishlegs think's they've got near jack shit for time. As if the situation couldn't possibly get any worse, Astrid brings Dagur's ultimatum to Hiccup. Hiccup reads Dagur's terms; They must deliver Toothless to Dagur by that night or Stoick will be flayed alive. His flesh will be chopped up and used as dragon feed, his bones will be their chew toys, and Dagur will wear his skin as a winter coat and his skull as a helmet. 

Astrid wisely suggests that it's a 99.99% chance that it's a ruse, if they go anywhere near Outcast Island they most likely won't be leaving. Hiccup decides to get two birds stoned at once, he tells Astrid and Fishlegs to get Snotlout and the Twins and form a welcoming committee for the Screaming Death. He's gonna break his father out of Guantanamo Bay Outcast Island. How will he do this? 

He goes to the Academy to recruit Alvin's help. Alvin asks Hiccup how his town meeting went, and mocks him about how he had the entire town in the palm of his hands. Alvin is extremely confused when Hiccup actually opens his pen. Hiccup explains all to him. 

I don't got time for your bullshit Alvin! Here's what's
gonna happen, we're rescuing my father, together!
Count me in boy!

Hiccup and Alvin head to Outcast Island on Toothless, but since Alvin is a 400 pound fat ass, he has a hard time maintaining balance on Toothless and has to death grip Hiccup's shoulders. Hiccup asks Alvin to ease up on the grip, but Alvin claims he can't help it, all his grips are death grips. Toothless decides to fuck with Alvin and smacks him with both his wings, laughing it up. Hiccup tells Toothless he can't be doing that shit, but he gives Toothless an approving look. 

After that little bit of goofing, Hiccup gets serious and asks Alvin what happened between him and Stoick. Alvin explains that they were best friends but also two young testosterone driven Vikings charged with defending Berk against dragons. One night, there was a Monstrous Nightmare attack and Alvin thought he had a better idea than Stoick's, but Stoick was the chief's son so he had the final word. Alvin disobeyed orders and got a lot of people killed. Things were never the same, Stoick couldn't even look at Alvin without suspecting him as traitorous swine. When Stoick became Chief, Alvin got the hell out of Dodge. 

On that cheery note, they've arrived at Outcast Island at last. But Hiccup points out they can't just fly over the Island, that'd be incredibly stupid and alert them to their position. Alvin says they aren't flying over the Island, they're going under. He takes control of Toothless and tries to dive underwater, but Hiccup ain't having none of that shit. Alvin's all like, "What the fuck yo? Ya gotta trust me on this one! Would I lie?". Hiccup decides to trust Alvin on this one and dives. Alvin points him to an underwater cave that leads to the heart of the island. Hiccup thinks this is fuckey, how does Alvin know it's clear? Alvin, however, has an ace in hole that assured him that is so. 

That traitorous swine is your ace in the hole?

Toothless is just as bummed to see that sweaty old fuck again, but Alvin defends Mildew. Mildew's always been faithful to him he says. Hiccup can at least take solace in the fact he's seeing Mildew act as nanny for a nursery of dragons, something he never thought he'd see. But something catches his eye, a female Whispering Death with a shit ton of eggs. Hiccup asks Alvin and Mildew if this is where all the Whispering Death eggs they planted in Berk came from. Alvin confirms it, and also confirms that it was Mildew's stupid idea. Hiccup asks Mildew if he remembers a big ass red egg, Mildew does recall it and asks how it turned out. 

Hiccup pulls out Sharpshot from his satchel, to Alvin's confusion. Hiccup explains to him that he's sending a message to Berk, and that the Screaming Death is headed there. But he thinks he may have found what it's looking for. With that bit of information Alvin starts to come up with a plan, but Hiccup stops him dead in his tracks. Hiccup thinks Alvin's plans suck dick, so they're going to do this Hiccup's way. Alvin and Mildew agree. 

Hiccup heads back to the surface and releases Sharpshot, with that shit out of the way, he and Toothless stealthily assassinate all nearby Berserker soldiers. He enters the Outcast arena and immediately gets ambushed. The Berserker's launch a shit ton of bolas at Hiccup that he deflects with his shield. But Toothless gets trapped in a cage and Hiccup is surrounded by Dagur's bitches. Savage personally welcomes him back to Outcast Island. Dagur inspects Toothless and can't believe the Night Fury is finally his. He thinks they need to change the name, because Toothless don't make a lick a sense. Dagur now wants to keep Toothless for himself, but if he can't . . . 

I'll wear his skull as a helmet!

When Hiccup protests, Dagur has his bitches throw his ass in the brig for skinning later. 

Back at Berk, Snotlout receives the message from Shaprshot, who chows down hard on his arm. Ruff and Tuff yank Sharpshot off Snotlout, laugh at Snotlout's misfortune, and hand the note to Astrid. She tells the others that Hiccup has an idea for how to deal with the Screaming Death, but first they need to lure it to Outcast Island. Ruff and Tuff think about how that could be done. Tuffnut thinks they need a small Island and a really big rope, he asks Astrid who they can talk to about obtaining such things.

Fisglegs thinks they can use the Dragon Root to lure the Screaming Death to Outcast Island, and Tuffnut's all like, "Shit, and you thought my little island idea was stupid?". Astrid likes the idea though, Gobber locked the dragon root up for disposal. Snotlout however makes a very good point that all their dragons will go nuts if they go near it. Fishlegs, however, does something he'll sorely regret in a few seconds, he points out that Meatlug doesn't get driven mad by it. 

Back at Outcast Island, Dagur has brought Stoick and Hiccup up to the arena. Stoick asks Hiccup if he's got the dragon riders or the Berk fleet with him. Hiccup says he doesn't have shit, he's got a plan he'd rather watch unfold. Dagur talks to Toothless about his bog plans for him. Toothless'll be the new symbol of the Berserkers, that'll of course mean Dagur'll have to change his shields, his sails and get himself a new belt buckle. He wanders how much dough he'll have to fork over for that shit. But he figures that can wait until Berk's nothing but a burned out, uninhabitable wasteland. 

While Dagur goes on about his plans, his Outcast soldiers are pulled under the ground by something. Dagur doesn't seem to notice this and he continues on his rant. He comes up with the name Deathkiller for Toothless. Then the whole ground beneath them starts to crumble, as a pack of Whispering Deaths bursts through with Alvin and Mildew. Alvin throws Mildew to Toothless' cage, Mildew then frees Toothless. Stoick is shocked by this. 

Didn't see that shit comin' did ya?

Alvin lands by Hiccup and Stoick and untie their restraints. Alvin says it's just like the good old days. With that, the trio and the Whispering Deaths kick some serious Berserker and Outcast ass. But during the battle, the ground beneath the Outcast arena breaks in two, sending Dagur, Toothless  and a bunch of Berserkers plummeting to the bottom. The Outcast arena collapses, forcing Hiccup to grab on for dear life and dropping his shield. Stoick grabs Alvin before he falls and throws him and Mildew onto a couple Berserkers. 

Dagur decides it's time to teach Toothless whose boss. He gathers the men that fell with him and order them to get him his Night Fury. Toothless dispatches those losers with ease, but Dagur manages to force himself on his saddle. Toothless puts up a fight and manages to fling Dagur's ass off. Toothless makes his way to Hiccup and reunite with him. 

As Berserkers swarm around them, Ruff and Tuff come in to save their asses. They love all the chaos around them and wish they could move there. Hiccup can't believe he'd ever be so glad to see them, but Astrid tells him shit's about to get a lot crazier. 


Fishlegs is luring the Screaming Death to Outcast Island. But the SD is quickly gaining on him and manages to enclose its jaws around him. But Meatlug lets out a huge fart into its mouth, it fires a bolt rather than have that shit it its mouth. Stoick asks why in the name of all that is good, pure and holy in this world would Hiccup want to bring it there? Hiccup tells him about it's mother, Stoick is simply confused that it even has a mother. 

When Fishlegs is close enough, Hiccup tells him to drop the cargo. Fishlegs does so and The Screaming Death's mother calls out to it. The Screaming Death answers her calls, Dagur realises that the Screaming Death wants its mom. So he and a few other Berserkers grab some ropes and capture it. Hiccup tells him not to be so damn foolish, he could get them all killed!

Like I give a shit?! Hello, I'm mentally unstable!

Tuffnut finds that logic hard to argue with. As the distressed Whispering Death calls out, The Screaming Death starts to plow it's way through scores of Outcasts and Berserker soldiers. Savage decides it's time to cut his losses and get the hell out of Dodge. Dagur tells Hiccup to get the hell back or he'll run his spear through the Whispering Death, and then they're all fucked. 

Hiccup tells the others to back off, Dagur thinks that's a wise move. Dagur also mentions that he's willing to make a trade. He also can't believe Hiccup didn't see that shit coming. Just then, Snotlout decides to go against orders and pull some admittedly cool ass trick that burns Dagur's ass and frees the Whispering Death. 

The Whispering Deaths get free of their restraints and they reunite with The Screaming Death. The the Screaming Death turns its attention to Hiccup and Toothless. It gives them one last roar and takes off with its family. Snotlout tries to apologise for going against orders, but is completely shocked and think's Hiccup's fucking with him when he tells him he done good. And not only that, but Hiccup lifts Snotlout's suspension. 

But Dagur comes out to break up this heartfelt moment. Only for Alvin to knock the shit out of him. 

-I'm gonna fuck you up, boy!
- HELP!!

But before we can see whatever Alvin's about to do to Dagur, we cut to Alvin and Stoick burying the hatchet after so many years. They shake hands and put whatever ugliness between them, behind them. 

Back at Berk, Stoick tells Hiccup that he'll make a damn fine chief one day, maybe even one of the best. Hiccup thinks that if the last few days are any indication of what it's like to be chief, he'll gladly leave that shit to Stoick for many years to come. Turns out they both have their leadership duties to attend to, Hiccup has to deal with Snotlout and Hookfang and Stoick has to deal with Silent Sven, whose broke his silence. Gobber tells Stoick he isn't gonna like what Sven has to say. 

Then we get our first narration since the end of last season! Hiccup explains that Berk has got ice, it has snow, and it has even more ice. But they've also got dragons, the train them, learn from them, protect them, and the Dragons protect them as well. Even from themselves. They would trade that for anything, would you? Hiccup asks. Fuck no! But god, only if we had that to trade. 


Well, that finale wasn't quite what I expected it would be, but it was still one hell of a finale. Hiccup's leadership was once again to the test and his interactions with Alvin and Mildew were awesome. We also finally got Alvin's backstory, and I'm glad that by the end he didn't end up betraying Hiccup and Stoick. It also seems like Mildew also got his redemption as well. 

Dagur was as great as always in the episode, though this unfortunately will probably be the last time we see him. And the Screaming Death's resolution was also pretty good, what with being reunited with its mother and all. But I expected something a lot more, it was still handled well. This episode was also the most action-packed episode to date. 

As a matter of fact, I was shocked how well the episode turned out. There was a ton of things to wrap up in this episode. They had to wrap up Dagur's, Alvin, Mildew and The Screaming Death's storylines. That's quite a lot to wrap up in 20 minutes, and it shows. The pacing is a bit too fast for my liking and everything is wrapped up too neatly. 

But, this is still a damn fine season finale. And this show has been a really fun continuation of How To Train Your Dragon. It was enough to keep me until HTTYD 2 comes out. I'll have a video summing up my feelings about the show out soon, and HTTYD 2 soon after that. So be sure to check those out, and thank you for joining me for these recaps, I'll be seeing you when the show comes back for it's third season. 


1 comment:

  1. I heard that the next season will be on Netflix so you better look out for that.
