Saturday 14 December 2013

Dragons Riders of Berk Reviews: Episode 4 - The Terrible Twos

So, the last episode wasn't very impressive. As a matter of fact it was a bit of a chore to sit through. Perhaps this episode will be better? Let's find out.

So the episode starts with the riders cruising through the forest for some unknown purpose. The narration opens with "When riding a dragon, communication is key" so I'll assume they're working on communication. Snotlout doesn't have good communication and Hookfang purposely rides through branches to spite him. Astrid makes a wrong call that Stormfly knew better than to follow. And Fishlegs is nowhere to be found. Ruff and Tuff say they saw him yesterday and ask if that counts. It does not. So Hiccup goes to find Fishlegs.

He finds him and Meatlug stuck in trees. Fishlegs is stuck good, so Toothless has to blast him out of the tree. But there's still Meatlug to.....

Oh, never mind.

Hiccup asks Fishlegs how they got into this ludicrous predicament in the first place. Fishlegs says he was just going around minding his own business, doing guy stuff, you know just doing his thing, but then suddenly what he thought was a flaming flying squirrel came right out of nowhere. Hiccup finds this notion to be absolutely preposterous. Fishlegs flies off saying he knows what he saw. 

Just as Hiccup is saying to himself "Flying squirrels? Pff, what a dumbass!", suddenly a ball of flame flies right before his very eyes! He turns to Toothless for confirmation of what he just saw, because his only other option would be to start questioning his own sanity. 

However, he finds a baby dragon hiding in the rocks. And this ain't no dragon we've seen in the movie before, so first new dragon in the series! Sweet! The dragon doesn't start out very friendly, but he warms up to Hiccup pretty quick. Toothless does not seem to like the little dragon at all. Hiccup thinks something's getting into Toothless. I think Toothless just knows a little shit when he sees one.

You don't fool me, you little shit!

Hiccup brings the dragon to the arena. The group (especially Fishlegs) is pretty excited about discovering a new species of dragon. And it's actually a dragon that's not even recorded in the book of dragons. In the movie, there were a bunch of dragons that were recorded in the book. But this dragon is an entirely new one created for the TV series. 

Fishlegs continues on his lecture about it being an unknown dragons and that there's no telling what it can do. Tuffnut commands it to flame. 

I said, Flame!!

To study it further, Hiccup decides to bring it home. Seeing as Toothless doesn't like the dragon at all, I can't see this ending well at all.

Stoick at first is not open to the idea. He has a one dragon limit and he aims to keep it that way. At least until Torch steals Toothless' job and lights the fire in the fireplace. Stoick tells Toothless he got torched, which is also the named he gives to the little dragon, and says that they can't throw him out when they just named him. So much for the one dragon only rule.

And the next scenes really show what a little shit Torch is. He eats all of Toothless' food, and he has the audacity to steal his bed! And to make it all worse, Hiccup doesn't think for a moment that Torch might be misbehaving. 

Hiccup, what the fuck? 

Meanwhile back at the rock where Torch was found...... OH SHIT!!

Mommy's very angry!

Torch's mother sees that her baby is gone and lights the forest in rage. Toothless sees the light and goes to investigate. He knows what's up.

The next day, Hiccup and the teens gather to give Torch a bunch of tests to determine what his strengths and weaknesses are. Fishlegs is enthusiastic, and Snotlout gives the specie's uninspired name after uninspired name. When its time to get Torch to fly, Hiccup asks Toothless to go flying.

Frig off!

Since Toothless ain't having none of it, Snotlout goes flying through stock footage from the first episode to show Torch how to fly. After seeing Snotlout and Hookfang fly, Torch gives it a shot. He puts on quite a performance as he spins around in a circle as a flaming ball of fire. He leaves quite a burn mark as well. Impressed, the teens decide to call the species the Typhoomerang, as he spins like typhoon and comes back like a boomerang. Makes sense.

Back at the house, Hiccup is trying to draw Torch for a new chapter in the book of dragons. Toothless is annoyed by this. He hears the mother Typhoomerang's roars and tries to tell Hiccup, but he is of course a dragon and Hiccup doesn't make out what all his roars are about. But I mean, Hiccup should get the gist that something is wrong! Why is he not listening to Toothless in favour of Torch? After everything that happened in the movie, this is just not right, something's gone fucky here!

Hiccup tells Toothless to behave while he's gone. Torch bites Toothless' tail after Toothless accidentally smacked him with his wing. A chase ensues and Torch lights a fire. Hiccup runs back up and puts out the fire, and automatically assumes that Toothless lit the fire! 

Hiccup, what....the......fuck?!

Toothless jumps out the window, crushed. He goes off to find the Typhoomerang mother, and sees that she is a titan of a dragon. Knowing Hiccup is in big trouble, he goes back to try to take Torch to his mother.

Hiccup is talking with Gobber as Toothless comes to collect Torch. Torch seems to get the message and allows Toothless to carry him. But Hiccup misinterprets this and gets Goober to hold Toothless down. Torch escapes and Toothless chases him around, making it look even worse to Hiccup. Hiccup is pissed at Toothless and thinks he's acting out of jealousy!

Hiccup, what.......the..........FUCK!

Hiccup is riding Toothless to the cove from the movie. Toothless tries to show him the mother Typhoomerang's burn mark, but just as they nearly, almost get there Hiccup turns Toothless' tail to the cove. God dammit Hiccup you tool! 

So Hiccup directs him to the cove and leaves him there!

Hiccup, WHAT THE FUCK?!!! 

During the night, as Toothless sleeps, he sees the Mother Typhoomerang heading toward Berk. He tries to escape, but is trapped in the cove. Nice job Hiccup.

The next day, Hiccup tells the others about Toothless. Astrid says he did the right thing (Astrid, what the fuck?), and that toothless will snap out of it. Snotlout takes this as a chance to take over leadership of the academy from Hiccup, except Astrid would be the next in line to take over. But just as this riveting power struggle is under way, Ruffnut and Tuffnut make a discovery in the forest.

The group investigates, and comes to the conclusion that there is a larger Typhoomerang that just might be Torch's mother. A that moment, Torch's mother appears and spots Torch. Hiccup tries to leave, but Torch has grown too close to him and follows. Torch's Mother chases Hiccup as he jumps into the cove and comes back up on Toothless. However, Torch is still holding to to Hiccup.

Are you trying to get me killed you little bastard!

Still being chased by the Typhooomerang, Hiccup and Toothless exploit her size and cause her to crash. Hiccup and Toothless set down and Torch tires to wake his mother up. She is fine, and Torch is reunited with his mother and siblings.  Hiccup says goodbye to Torch, and he makes up to Toothless for being a butt-head. All's well that ends well. 


This was a decent episode. We got a new dragons species that is pretty cool, and we get a Toothless centric episode. Toothless has a ton of personality and it's great to get an episode that's centred on him.

But Hiccup, what the fuck? After everything that happened in the movie, Hiccup really treated Toothless badly, to the point where it's really out of character. I don't believe for a second that the Hiccup from the movie would treat Toothless like that! Why in the name of all that is holy would Hiccup refuse to listen to Toothless, who he spent an entire movie developing a friendship he had with no one else before, in favour of this dragon he only found the other day?

So a decent episode that was kinda ruined by Hiccup's out of character reactions to Toothless and way he treated him.


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