Snotlout and Hookfang are riding above the ocean in speed, but it ain't fast enough for Snotlout. Snotlout tells Hookfang to pick up the pace, if he wanted a slow ass dragon he'd steal Meatlug from Fishlegs. Disgusted by that concept, Hookfang gives her shit. Though he looks like he's totally out of it, not that Snotlout would ever notice.
The others are gathered on a little beach. Snotlout, instead of setting down besides, acts all smug and shows off his speed insufferably praising himself all the way. Hiccup and the others are not impressed by this, but then again, when are they ever impressed by Snotlout? Hiccup wants to know what's going on in that empty head of his, though he suspects that there's very little. Astrid says he's been training non-stop since the Outcasts and Whispering Deaths attacked. Ruffnut and Tuffnut tell them how Gothi can skin a yak by looking at it and what happens when you stick a terrible terror under your ass, before the others tell them to shut the fuck up and ask what that has to do with Snotlout.
Does not acknowledging his existence count? |
Snotlout lands on the beach. Hookfang drops, but Snotlout doesn't even notice. He just continues to be insufferable in his disdainful arrogance and muscle kissing. Hiccup however does notice that Hookfang is looking to be giving up on life. Snotlout however is a dumbass who thinks his dragon is a warrior who doesn't need rest. He sees pushing Hookfang to the point of dropping as challenging him. As he's about to tell the group what his dad always tell them, the group makes guesses for him. Ranging from "Shut the fuck up!" to "Get a brain you hairless monkey!" and "Pull your empty head out of your pompous ass!". Snotlout disrespectfully disagrees with those comments, his father always tells him, rest is for the weak. Hiccup thinks that's the dumbest thing he's ever heard in his life, Hiccup and I are of one mind on this front. Snotlout flies off mocking the group for being tired, Astrid says she's had quite enough of Snotlout.
The teens take to the air for their next exercise. Alvin's got dragons, and there's a pretty good possibility that they may have to fight in the air against dragon mounted Outcasts. Something I'm looking very forward to. Snotlout acts like tough shit, Hiccup is not impressed, and he designates Astrid as the bad guy. If she catches any of the others, they're out.
Fly my pretties! Fly! |
So the chase is on to see who outlasts who. Fishlegs and Meatlug slowly hover through the forest. Fishlegs praises Meatlug for her manoeuvring, right before Astrid catches them and knocks them out of the game. Fishlegs reassures Meatlug by telling her she's got the biggest heart. Ruff and Tuff are hiding behind a tree, they think its funny that Astrid is staring at them but doesn't even know it. Only she does know it, as she can see Barf and Belch's body in plain sight. She tells the Twins they're out, but they still don't know she found them. Instead of trying to knock some sense into their thick skulls, she leaves them to their stupidity.
Astrid comes up on Hiccup and tells him he had better give up, Hiccup mocks that she sounds a lot like Alvin. Hiccup spots a cave nearby and decides to leave her in the dark. Astrid thinks that was quite predictable of him and chases his ass through the cave, with Stormfly's fire lighting things up. Which Hiccup finds to be predictable of her, he and Toothless do some manoeuvring and blend in as a rock in the cave. Astrid is pissed she lost him.
She just got punked! |
Astrid finds Snotlout flying around however, and decides he'll satisfy. She gives chase, but Hookfang appears to be going rather slow, and can't ignite his fiery skin when Snotlout tells him to. Snotlout thinks Hookfang's being stubborn, oh the blind fool. As the teens set down on the beach Hiccup tries to explain to Snotlout that Hookfang isn't being stubborn, there's something wrong with them and Snotlout's a stupid asshole for thinking otherwise. Snotlout still insists, in his usual insufferable boar headed way, that Hookfang is just being stubborn and he just lights up only when he wants. Tuffnut asks him if he can do it right there and then, but Snotlout just blows the question off with what now appears to be denial.
Hiccup has had enough of Snotlout's ignorance, wilful for not, of Hookfang's condition and decides to take a look at him. Snotlout tries to affirm that there's nothing wrong with him but even he isn't sure at this point.
Back at the Academy, Hiccup goes over a number of symptoms in the book of dragons that Hookfang is displaying; No fire, Pale skin, flaked scales etc. Snotlout thinks that means something good, he's in a clear state of denial right now. Fishlegs diagnoses Hookfang, saying that his flame has run out. A number of things could cause it; old age, injury, exhuastion and as Astrid points out, pushed too far by his pig headed stubborn asshole of a master. Snotlout is still in denial, but Fishlegs diagnosis quickly snaps him out of it. Hookfang is in trouble.
But the denial is strong in this one, back at his house Snotlout tries to reassure Hookfang and himself most of all. He fetches Hookfang some water and Hooky eagerly gulps it down. Snotlout's dad Spitelout comes home looking for a bludgeon. He notices Hookfang's sorry state, Snotlout tries to brush it off as minor but fails miserably. Spitelout draws a parallel between Hookfang and a dull sword, saying a sword that can't be sharpened can be replaced.
OK Snotlout, it's time to disown your father. Or do some bastardly shit that makes him disown you cuz you need better dude. I'm not suggesting you deserve better, you just need better.
Snotlout actually takes this pretty hard, and when he takes Hookfang to the Academy in the morning he even starts to bawl, he tries to brush it off of course, but he still does it and Astrid even tries to comfort him. I can't believe I'm about to write this, but I'm actually torn up! What the hell is wrong with me? This is Snotlout we're talking here!
But there might be some hope for Hookfang and Snotlout! Fishlegs finds a possible cure for Hookfang, Fire Worms. The dragons from episode 8 of Riders I think. They're Stoker class dragons (as if Hookfang) that have or make some kind of shit that can give other Stoker class dragon their flame back. It's almost too convenient to be true. So the teens are off to find Fire Worms to save Hookfang's life.
So the teens start to gather up Fire Worms. Astrid and Hiccup find a batch easily enough, Tuffnut burns his ass before he finds his batch. They bring their worms to Hookfang and place them around him. Nothing happens, but Tuffnut suggests giving Hookfang Fire Worm milk. Fishlegs points out that you can't milk a Fire Worm, I don't even want to know what that means for Tuffnut. Hiccup suggests putting the Fire Worms on Hookfangs skin, which seems to work at first but then does nothing. Snotlout is getting desperate as he tears the academy apart looking for more Fire Worm's. Hiccup and Astrid tell him they've found all the Fire Worms on the Island. Hiccup then witnesses the Twins engaging in animal cruelty.
Expect a call from PETA in 5... 4... 3... |
![]() |
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* Oh, so soon? |
Hiccup doesn't notice the cruelty, he notices that the Fire Worms light up brighter when close to each other. This gives him an idea so great he's willing to call the Twins geniuses. He puts the Fire Worms into a lantern and explain to everybody that they can use the lantern to find other Fire Worms. He also tells the Twins they discovered that Fire Worms light up brighter when closer to each other. The Twins take pride in this, even if it was accidental and they were completely unaware of it.
So they can now use the lantern of Fire Worms to find more Fire Worms. But Snotlout points out that there is no more Fire Worms on the Island. Fishlegs says that he knows a place where they can find a shit ton more, Fire Worm Island. Ow, the convenience, it hurts!
Snotlout manages to get Hookfang flying, and the teens set off to find Fire Worm Island. Along the way, Hookfang is losing his strength and is close to dropping out of the sky. Snotlout urges him on, but the others think that they may have to turn back. But they're in luck, the lantern starts to grow brighter and the teens find Fire Worm Island. As they set down, Hookfang finally drops. Hiccup tells Snotlout to stay with Hookfang and him and Astrid go to find more Fire Worms. But Snotlout ain't having none of it, this is his fault and he's going to right his own wrong.
Snotlout likeable? What has this world come to?! |
Hiccup and Snotlout head into a cave opening to find some more Fire Worms. They follow it all the way to what appears to be a giant dragon honey comb. Hiccup thinks that the honey combs are made out of some kind of gelly shit that gives Fire Worms their heat when they eat them. Hiccup tells Snotlout not to disturb the nest, but Snotlout knows this shit could save Hookfang and he grabs a piece anyway. Bad move.
Who dares disturb my slumber, bitch! |
Hiccup suggests to Snotlout to give back the Honey Comb piece back to the seriously pissed off Fire Worm queen, but Snotlout ain't giving it up for anything. He makes a run for it, bringing the FW Queen close behind. Hiccup and Toothless catch him and head for the exit, where they're cut off by the Queen who took a short cut. But she gets pummelled by the teens outside. With the FW Queen distracted, Snotlout tries to bring the comb to Hookfang so he can eat it.
The FW Queen fights the other teens off and antagonises Hookfang and Snotlout. Hookfang, instead of eating the comb, throws it away. Hookfang is trying to protect Snotlout (which Hiccup rather unnecessarily and cringe-inducingly spells out for us). The Fire Worm queen takes its comb back and wraps her tail around Hookfang's neck and pulls him close to her face. She then pulls a xenomorph with her tongue. Snotlout tries to stop it, but the FW Queen smacks the shit out of him and releases Hookfang. Snotlout thinks Hookfang is dead, but there's still a little life left in him.
You're not just another sword Hookfang. |
*Sniff*, the feels man!
But then suddenly, Snotlout notices that Hookfang feels really hot. The colour starts returning to him, and he bursts with the fires of life. Snotlout is relieved that Hookfang is still alive. It turns out the Fire Worm Queen saved Hookfang with her weird gel shit (and again, Hiccup and the others unnecessarily spell it out). The FW Queen roars one last time and takes her leave.
Fast forward to sometime in the future, the teens are on a boulder waiting for Snotlout. Snotlout and Hookfang arrive, they're excuse being to make sure Hookfang was well-rested. Snotlout goes on a rant about how his dad doesn't know shit about dragons and how he's become overly sentimental. Hookfang finds this new sentimental totally gay, so he launches Snotlout into the air while on fire. This turns Snotlout back into his old self.
Damn man, the feels in this episode. This was a really great episode for Snotlout. Snotlout is portrayed as an incredible douchebag in the series, even going so far as being a minor antagonist. And the relationship between him and Hookfang seemed to be not that strong. This episode showed another side of Snotlout and showed that he does care for Hookfang, and vice versa. And even though we knew that Hookfang was going to make it, it didn't make that scene any less sad.
It was a great character episode for Snotlout, and my only real problems with it were the Hiccup spelling out what we can plainly see. Then again, this is a problem I had with a few episodes already. I suppose this is supposed to be for a younger audience, so I can forgive that.
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